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Chapter 3 Here comes trouble. Enter Ace the Idiot!

It had been a week since Lauren had woke up and was fully healed. Lauren was also getting use to being on a pirate ship.She decide it was time to show them her cleaning skills.Lauren walked on deck with a mop broom and bucket full of water and cleaning stuff. Everyone watched Lauren when she walked on deck with them in hand.

Marco: Hey Lauren what are you going to do?

Lauren smiles as she puts the mop and bucket down.

Lauren: You will have to wait and see. He he,

Thatch: Oh I think Lauren's going to show us how she can clean.

It was true right after Thatch had said that Lauren got to work sweeping the deck.Under 10 minutes the whole deck was swept. No dust went flying as she was sweeping. Everyone's jaw dropped to the floor as they watched her. After she was done ands thrown the dirt away she started to mop with a smile on her face. It took more time to mop then it did to sweep but 20 minutes later she was done mopping. No puddles anywhere.

Marco: Ok I got to ask where did you learn how to clean?

Lauren freezes up for a split-second. She then leans on the mop and frowns looking down.

Lauren: Well no one really taught me I had to learn to clean right and fast by myself. If I didn't lets just say it wasn't a pretty sight. Anyways does anything else need to be cleaned?

Everyone decides not to push Lauren. The cook walks over to Lauren and smiles.

Cook: If you want I could use some help in the kitchen.

Lauren: Sure I don't mind I'll help anyway I can.

With that Lauren picked up the bucket and broom and walked with the Cook to the kitchen. Whitebeard sighed as he watched her go. Marco looks over.

Marco: What's wrong Pops?

Whitebeard: It seems there is more to her then meets the eye Marco. Did you notice when you asked Lauren where she learned to clean like that she froze up?

Marco: Now that you say that I did. I wonder why.

Whitebeard: It seems there is more to Lauren then we know. Maybe she will open up more if we show her love.

Marco: That could work Pops it never hurts to show someone love.

(meanwhile in the kitchen)

Lauren is working on cleaning the dishes. She keeps working humming a tune. As she puts some away the cook can't help but be surprised.

Cook: Wow Lauren I wasn't going to ask you to do the dishes but thank you.

Lauren smiles as she keeps working.

Lauren: It's nothing I'm happy to help.

Cook: Well I'm glad that you are helping out. I could never get them all done by myself like you.

Lauren: It's nothing I just happy to help.

Cook: I better get started on dinner. Don't want anyone to get on me he.

Lauren: It's ok Cook-san I'll just finish this and then go see if anything needs done.

Cook: Ok good luck Lauren.

The cook went to the other part of the kitchen to get started on making supper for everyone. As Lauren was washing the dishes she kept wondering if it was ok to be there. She sighed as she knew if she kept thinking that it would only make her depressed. Soon all the dishes were dried off and put away. Lauren looked around to see if there was anything else that needed to be cleaned. But there wasn't so she went into the hallway and looked at the wall. As she stood there she couldn't help think of the question Marco asked and had another flashback.


A seven year old Lauren is seen on all fours cleaning the floor. She could hear the women laughing having a good time.

7 year old Lauren: This isn't fair why should I have to clean while she's having fun.

Just then the women came in and looked at Lauren. She had a smile on her face and a cup in her hands.

Women: Quit slacking and get back to work you little bitch.

7 year old Lauren: I'm working can't you see or do you only see what you want.

Women: What was that? Just be glad you got a roof over your head.

7 year old Lauren: Oh yea it's the only thing.

The women heard that and walked over to Lauren and started to beat her. After 5 minutes she stopped and spat on her before walking over to the door.

Women: Just clean this room. If it's not spotless in 2 hours your going to wish you were never born. Stupid brat your nothing like them and you will never will be.

With that the women went back to her group of friends. Lauren just got back on all fours and wiped the tears from her eyes. As she started to clean she thought to herself. I wonder if I should've been born. I'm nothing but a burden to everyone.

(Flashback ends)

Lauren shakes her head trying to get rid of the memory. But no matter how hard she tries the memories still hunts her. She stands there wiping the tears from her eyes hoping no one will see but Marco and Thatch sees it and look at each other.

Marco whispers: What the hell happened to her to make her like this.

Thatch whispers: I don't know but who ever it was to torment her really is a demon.

Marco whispers: I hope I never meet the one that done this to her. Because I might just end their live.

Thatch whispers: If Pops don't get to them first you mean?

Marco whispers: I guess your right there.

Lauren: You know it's rude to talk about someone behind their back right? But it doesn't really matter to me because I'm use to it.

Both Marco and Thatch jump and turn around. Standing behind them both is Lauren smiling at them. Both are shocked that Lauren got behind them without either one noticing. Lauren crosses her arms trying to hide the laughter from her eyes.

Marco: How did you?

Thatch: When did you?

Lauren: He he he I'm taking it your both surprise that I'm here.

Marco: Surprise is one way to put it.

Thatch: yea it is. How are you feeling Lauren?

Lauren: I'm fine just thinking. Cooks cooking now so I guess dinner will be ready soon.

With that Lauren walked off before either could ask anything else. Marco and Thatch stood there for a few more minutes then decide to head back to the deck. Meanwhile Lauren couldn't figure out what else to do so she walked around the ship for a bit until dinner was called. Everyone went to dinner and afterwards went in for the night. Lauren was on the deck looking at the sky wondering what she should do.As she laid there she thought of the one question she always thought to herself. Do I deserve to live? She sighed cause she still couldn't find out. She fell asleep under the stars.

The weeks passed by. Lauren was getting use to being on the ship. The days were spent showing her skills in cleaning and fighting. She was happy for the first time in her life. They arrived at a island and Lauren notice that some were acting different so she went over to Marco and Thatch.

Lauren: What's going on it looks like everyone waiting for something?

Marco: Hey Lauren remember the paper you read a few days ago?

Lauren: Yea it's kinda hard to forget when I learned about the Warlords. So is one here or something?

Thatch: Well the kid that they asked to be the Warlord wants to take Pops head.

Lauren stood there surprised. Who in their right mind would be stupid enough to take on Whitebeard? This world is full of idiots she thought to herself.

Lauren: So your saying right now there's a idiot thinking he could beat the old man?

Marco: Pretty much yea.

Lauren shakes her head.

Lauren: This world is full of idiots.

Thatch: Well that is true. They won't learn until they get beating.

Marco: don't worry Lauren Pops won't die.

Lauren: I know that I just have a feeling that kid is not going to learn his lesson. Good thing I know how to swim.

Thatch: Looks like it's done.

Lauren seen a boy not much older then she was laying on the ground. Whitebeard came back on board. Everyone else knew what to do. The Doc went to check on the boy. Lauren seen that his friends weren't going to let the Doc work so she along with Marco and Thatch got in front of the Doc and boy.

Lauren: I don't think you shouldn't attack cause you'll end up like your friend.

Marco: I don't think they will listen to that Lauren.

Lauren: I know but it's better to warn then just to fight them.

?: Give us Captain Ace back.

?: We won't let you take him.

Lauren: I see what you mean Marco. They won't listen at all. So what should we do?

Marco: Fight them then take them to the Moby Dick.

Lauren: Sounds like a plan to me.

Lauren Thatch and Marco started to fight the rest of the pirates.It was short work and after it was over Marco told the others to bring them onboard with the boy. After everyone was on board Marco found Lauren looking at the sky.

Marco: Something on your mind Lauren?

Lauren: Not really just thinking, Scary huh?

Marco: Don't think to much you might hurt yourself.

Lauren looks at Marco and smiles a little.

Lauren: Yea your right. What do you think will happen to those pirates that were brought onboard?

Marco: Well Pops will give them a chance to become a member or start being a pirate all over again.

Lauren thought of asking something else but decides not to. She looks back at the sky.

Lauren: So they could join or start fresh. It might be nice to see a stubborn fool decide what to do. Thanks Marco.

After that Lauren got up and went inside. Marco just stood there looking at the sky.

Marco: I wonder if that boy is as stubborn as you are. This is going to be a fun trip.

Then Marco too went in for the night as the stars shined bright. A week passed and Lauren heard a splash. She took her bags off and jumped in. Lauren knew what happened. The captain of the Spade Pirates tried to beat Whitebeard again. Ace was his name and he was the biggest idiot in the world. She finally got him and herself out of the water.

Lauren: Listen to me. Your not going to beat him so just forget it.

He looked at her with fire in his eyes as he stood up.

Ace: Don't tell me what to do. Why do you care. You don't know me so quit trying to be my friend.

Lauren: Fine but I won't quit saving your ass. You're a Devil Fruit user so your like a hammer in the water.

Ace: I don't need your help I was fine.

Lauren: Marco I'm going to get dried off before I decide to do something stupid.

Lauren then went over to her bags and picked them up and went inside.She couldn't stop thinking about those eyes she had seen. They were the same as hers.She sighed and went to change. 119 times he tried to get to Whitebeard. She just hoped someone would talk some sense into him soon. After she dried her clothes off she left her bags in the room and went back on deck just to see Ace being sent into the sea again.

Lauren: Someone needs to talk some sense into him.

She jumped back in the water to fish him out.

Vista: How many is it now.

Thatch: He's tried 120 times now. And she's jumped in to get him 70 of those times.

Vista: It seems like no matter what is said she won't let him drown.

Thatch: I think it's because she sees something about him. I don't know but maybe it's the hate in his eyes.

Vista: Do you think they have something in common?

Thatch: Maybe.

Marco Thatch and Vista watch as Lauren and Ace get on board and starting yelling back and forth.







Lauren stands up and starts to walk away but stops. She doesn't turn around but just stands there.

Lauren: You don't get it. I don't care if you hate me I'm use to it.

After she says that she goes back inside leaving everyone stunned.Ace stands up and walks away from everyone. Marco decides that he needed to do something and went to get something to eat. A few hours later Marco found Ace sitting against the side of the ship and places a bowl of soup next to him and stands beside him. Lauren is walking when she stops and sees Marco and Ace. She knew listen was wrong but it was the only way she knew how. She decide to listen and find out what was going to happen.

Marco: You shouldn't have said that to her earlier. She was only trying to help.

Ace: She doesn't even know me but she thinks she does. Why does she even care?

Marco: I don't know maybe it's because she sees something about you that's different.

Ace: She doesn't know anything but thinks she does.

Marco: Maybe she does and wants to help.

Marco then looks at Ace.

Marco: Your going to have to decide. Bear Whitebeards brand on your back or get off and start fresh.

Ace looks at Marco.

Ace: Why do you all call him Pops?

Marco: Because he calls us his sons. It maybe just a word but to us it makes us happy.To the world we are outcast misfits. But to him we are his family.

Ace started to cry. Lauren finally understood why. She didn't feel different there. They made her feel special. She then seen that Marco had left and Ace was still sitting there. She went out and sat down next to him.

Ace: What do you want?

Lauren: Well do you know what I see when I look in your eyes?

Ace: Fire? Hate?

Lauren: I see both but I see something else. I see pain. You care so much about your crew. But you also have a secret. I don't want to know but I want to tell you something.

Ace looked at Lauren and seen her eyes.

Ace: Your eyes are like mine.

Lauren: I know.

Lauren then looks at the sky. She sighs wondering what to do.

Lauren: I'm not going to tell you this to say join the Whitebeard pirates. I'm going to tell you this because I feel like you have dealt with it too.

Ace: What are you talking about.

Lauren: The word hate doesn't brother me. Where I came from the whole town hated me.Not a day went by that I wasn't picked on or beat up. The only thing I ever knew was pain.I had no friends and even my mother hated me. If I didn't do things the right way I got a beating.The school and hospital had her friends in them. I could never do anything right. There was only a hand full of people that did care. Even my own classmates tried to kill me. I never understood why I was hated so much. It was hard growing up. But I lived and did what anyone would do. I pulled pranks on them. It got me in more trouble but I didn't care.

Lauren then stands up.

Lauren: I'm not telling you this because i want you to join. I'm just saying don't let the world rule your life. Decide what you want to do and go for it.

Lauren then walks away leaving a very stunned Ace and also a very stunned Marco Thatch and Vista behind. She went to her room and went to sleep. Two days later Ace finds her looking out at sea.

Ace: There you are I've been looking everywhere.

Lauren looks at Ace.

Lauren: Sorry been busy cleaning. You need something?

Ace: Yea I just wanted to tell you I decide to be a member of the Whitebeard pirates.

Lauren: That's great. So no more trying to beat the old man then?

Ace: No more. Why don't you call Whitebeard Pops?

Lauren: Because calling him old man is fun. Well that's great.

Lauren then looks down. Ace can see that something is troubling her.

Ace: What's wrong?

Lauren: It would be cool but I don't know if I'm ready yet.

Ace: Huh? I don't understand.

Lauren looks at Ace. He can see that she had been crying.

Lauren: I don't know what it's like to have a family. I don't even know what love feels like. Being on here is great but I feel like I will fail if I call them my family.

Ace didn't know what to do. He wasn't good when someone cried. As he watched he could tell Lauren had kept it all in for so long. Finally Lauren calmed down and Ace decide to ask a question.

Ace: Lauren I was wondering. Do you feel like you shouldn't have been born.

Lauren looked at Ace and wonder how he knew she always wonder that.

Lauren: Sometimes.

Ace: Well you will find the answer by living.

Lauren: Umm ok. I think. So I'll find the answer if I keep living.

Ace: Right only by living will you find out if you should've been born or not.

Lauren: Thanks I think. Well I think I'm going to go take a nap. I'll see ya later Ace.

Lauren walks off and goes to her cabin. Marco then walks over to Ace.

Marco: It was nice what you did.

Ace: I didn't really do much. It was her that should get the thanks. I don't know if I would've joined if she didn't do what she did.

Marco: I think you would've either way. Well I better go find Pops.

Ace: I'll catch you later then.

Marco waves and then walks away to tell Whitebeard what he found out. Ace looks at the sky and wonders what's next.
